AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: 2220 DATE: 12/04/2012 10:41:00 AM ----- BODY:
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: DATE: 9/25/2012 12:17:00 PM ----- BODY:">
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Back to this DATE: 1/03/2010 07:21:00 PM ----- BODY:
I've said it before, but I really believe God is showing me things thru my daughter. Her latest antic is that she will come from no where and say "Daddy/Mommy I want to hug you." She will then give this big serious hug. Other times she will climb on us for no good rrason. Just wanting to hang on us. What it God saying about my relationship w/ Him through Trina?
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----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: It's a girl DATE: 11/16/2009 07:14:00 AM ----- BODY:
I guess I am going to change the world by raising women of God who change the world. April 20 my next assignment begins.

We haven't picked a name. So I'll will call her Baby 2.0.
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----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Life DATE: 11/11/2009 05:07:00 AM ----- BODY:
I am so thankful for the life we've been blessed to provide Trina. I am so amazed by what she can do and who she's becoming. She's such a little lady. Even more, I am surprised how she interacts with others. I am extremely greatful to God for her. He has something in mind for her and I overjoyed that Gyimah and I have been apart of it.

I am equally excited about April coming. Meeting baby 2 is going to be a highlight of '10 for sure.
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----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Just enjoying the journey DATE: 10/29/2009 01:10:00 PM ----- BODY:
Trina is the best. I mean she makes us laugh so much it should be a crime. The other nite she decided that she would turn her room light on after I put her in the bed. Then she went to bed w/ the light on. When I got up the next morning she's passed out in her bed. She later told me that she did turn the light on so she could play with her toys.

She's super hyped about being a big sister. I think she's going to do well. I am aware that we have another baby. Like w/ Trina I am doing my best to stay in the day. It's so easy to get anxious and worried about what it will be like to have two little ones. I am learning everyday that if I trust God I need to trust Him with everything. If we give Him something He has to have it all. We have to trust that He won't give it back w/o giving us what we need to handle it.

Enjoying the journey.
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----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Minnesota DATE: 9/28/2009 07:46:00 AM ----- BODY:
We went to MINUTE this weekend. Trina is so funny. She'd make any trip enjoyable. She did a great job meeting new people. She didn't mis-treat anyone. So she'll get to travel again.

Her new thing is to ask to see her "brother/sister." That is so funny. She also has this new dance she made up that is hilarious. I am going to find a way to post the video of that.
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----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Breathing room DATE: 9/13/2009 11:14:00 AM ----- BODY:
Since July I have felt "pinched". Kind of like I have so much going on and it's hard to keep up. I guess I was relying on my own abilities and skills. It's so easy for me to do that, because by nature I am a problem solver. So naturally I feel I should be able to fix and put my issues in some kind of order. I was going to change this blog to kind of talk about that challenge. But since this is my children's blog I will not. I will say this, being a dad has been one of the most challenging ventures I've undertaken. There seems to be so many moving parts to fatherhood. What I am certain of is that the more I rely on God's power rather than my own the better I will be as a father. With God's power I know that I will have breathing room.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: A new adventure DATE: 9/11/2009 02:53:00 AM ----- BODY:
I started applying for new jobs yesterday. Where I am now is just not where I expect to be come Jan 1, 2010. If God says otherwise I will go with that, but right now I am starting plans to track down a better job. Totally believing Him for the results.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Baby Whitaker pt. 2 DATE: 9/02/2009 01:15:00 PM ----- BODY:
Since no one is reading my blog I guess this is as safe a place to say it as any. We're gonna have another baby! He/She should be here around my birthday 2010. I am excited. If Trina is any indication, we're expecting great things from baby #2.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Like father like... DATE: 8/18/2009 07:37:00 AM ----- BODY:

Trina. She loves her adidas. Kind of makes me want to land a career with them even more. Can't wait to see if Baby #2 has the same tatse in footwear.
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----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: How time flies DATE: 7/29/2009 08:58:00 AM ----- BODY:

I can't believe how big Trina is now. Wow! Time just moves.
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----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: 2 years and counting DATE: 7/16/2009 05:27:00 AM ----- BODY:

Here's my little love. She's neat. Thanks for being my baby girl.
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----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Did I say Happy BDay? DATE: 7/16/2009 05:09:00 AM ----- BODY:
I didn't post a happy birthday shout out to my baby girl. I am going to spend some time putting together some pictures of her over time. She's changed so much over the last 24 months. She's an extremely neat kid. Happy birthday little love.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: IMG00564.jpg DATE: 6/29/2009 05:06:00 AM ----- BODY:

All I can say is this girl is very funny. New trick is climbing out of the crib. Just couldn't figure how to get back in. Quite funny.
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----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Tough DATE: 6/23/2009 07:21:00 PM ----- BODY:
Now is tuff. I am doing my best to stay 100 percent in today, in this moment. The stuff going on is the same that was going on before and I am sure it will be going on tomorrow.

My struggle is to stay engaged not to slip off to the future trying to fix tomorrows problems with todays energy. What a FAIL.

Got to continue to stay in the now game.
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----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: had a great weekend with Vitamin T DATE: 6/08/2009 06:54:00 AM ----- BODY:
Trina and I had a great weekend. We were able to go to the Cabbage Patch kid babyland in Cleveland, GA, do some shopping, enjoy graduation and laugh a lot! That little girl is so sweet. It is becoming more and more apparent to me that God blesses us with kids and our gift back to Him is to trust Him and allow Him to show us how to raise them that they might love Him. I can't give over the fact that we couldn't have done it on our own. Thank God for His grace, mercy and a lot of smiles. * I really thank God for whomever told me to enjoy each day with Trina. Not to look into the future or dwell on the past, but to enjoy right where we are right now. That has been the best parenting advice I've heard so far.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: 22 months ago DATE: 5/25/2009 05:17:00 PM ----- BODY:
I don't know what we did before Emergence Day. Every day since then has been a real blast. God knows what He's doing. My one word of advice to parents is to stay in the moment. Don't ruin/miss today because you're looking into the future. I don't know what our future will look like. I know that there are certain things I'd like to see happen. But today, I'll just enjoy what's going on today.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: It is finished DATE: 5/10/2009 02:17:00 PM ----- BODY:
In about 2 hours I will be done w/ my final project for this MBA. I am very happy and tired. The last 3 weeks haven't gone like I invisioned at all. Needless to say it is over. Now I will be able to focus on the things I love like my girls.
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----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Rescue pack DATE: 4/27/2009 08:48:00 AM ----- BODY:

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----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: A little gift for our little gift DATE: 4/21/2009 05:57:00 AM ----- BODY:

Trina is such a neat kid. She's learning everyday how to move and operate in the world that we live in. She's not "needy". She just likes what she has and deals with it. So I thought it would be nice to get her a Dora the Explore backpack. I didn't like the ones on the market which were just backpacks with Dora's picture on them. I wanted her to have a real backpack. So I did some searching and I found it. Do I need to tell you that she was excited? Last night DW and I were talking about it. I told her that I felt good getting her the backpack because it will help foster her little imagination. When she want to sleep last night (with the backpack on) she said "Night daddy". The tone of it was that she had something to do and she was excited about closing her eyes and going to sleep. I translated that as she dreams some of the things she does during the day. So by cutting off the TV and playing Dora and putting stuff in the backpack she might go to bed and continue her exploration. She woke up today and the first word I heard her say was "Jesus" and "Lord". Not sure what she dreamed about last night, but it she sure woke up talking about the Lord. I just hope we can help foster her imagination and growth.


----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: No daddy DATE: 4/16/2009 01:07:00 PM ----- BODY:
I am hearing this a lot lately. Trina just says. I may or may not even be in the room, but whenever her little mind thinks it- she says it. I am starting to wonder if its me. She doesn't say it to G at all. Not sure what gives. I think she's turning into a PreK teenager. At night before she goes to bed she has to say "good nite" to me even if she just diss'ed me with a "ND". She's so funny.
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----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: I heart you DATE: 4/15/2009 03:20:00 AM ----- BODY:
Trina disses me seriously. I guess I will just get over it.
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----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: I stray from my usual posts DATE: 4/06/2009 06:32:00 AM ----- BODY:
Today I am veering from my usual blog-isms on Crossfit and Running. Not sure what you all will think about it so if you might be offended by Christian speak, please tune in tomorrow or Wednesday for our regularly scheduled “Beat Jason up broadcast.” This week is Passion Week, the week before the celebration of the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. Yesterday was Palm Sunday, the day 2000 years ago that Jerusalem celebrated the arrival of Christ as a coming Savior and King. Many at the time thought that Jesus would come and seize the reigns of government, take control and restore Israel. Well, as you know the story…he didn’t do any of that that week. Matter of fact Jesus’ approval ratings sank so quickly in 5 days that by Friday the same people who were crying “Hosanna!” on Sunday were crying “Crucify Him!” on Friday. Talk about fickled people! What do we learn from this particular week? What was God trying to show us? He could have easily done all that the people wanted and more, but why didn’t He? I believe that God wanted to show us one aspect of His name this week. “Emanuel, God with us”. Jesus wanted to show that He was God and that He was right in the midst of the mess with His people. He was there not to change the situation, but to demonstrate that if our focus is on Him and not our situation we have the ultimate peace. He has always shown that peace is not the absence of adversity around us, but the presence of God in us in the midst of adversity. So what does this have to do with us today? Well, we are in the midst of very unique times. These are times, which try our nation, our communities and churches. I don’t know about you, but I have a LONG list of stuff I need Christ to come and change. But what if He doesn’t? The likelihood is that He’s not going to change the current situation like I’d like it anyway. But what does He want me to focus on? He wants me to focus on Him. There is so much that He’s doing and has done in this world that the foolishness of today really pales in comparison. God is with me…what a profound concept. (I needed to know that for my “abuse-fest” workout this AM! LOL!)
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: I still love being a daddy DATE: 4/01/2009 02:42:00 PM ----- BODY:
Even though my DD has been a different child the last couple of days. We narrowed it down to 1. she's not challenged in class as much as she needs so she acts crazy. 2. she hasn't been getting enough rest at night. 3. pollen, she has allergies like me. G and I have to pray for her more that she will be able to express herself and not melt down whenever she's confused about something or doesn't get her way. This is certainly a stretch for us.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Being a daddy is great DATE: 3/18/2009 06:30:00 PM ----- BODY:
Trina is a joy. That's all I have to say. She's starting to grow up and need more parenting than spectators. We're having so much fun.
----- COMMENT: AUTHOR:Blogger That Pink Girl DATE:March 18, 2009 at 7:54 PM What a blessing to have such committed and devoted parents. ----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: I hope this isn't a trick DATE: 2/27/2009 02:30:00 AM ----- BODY:
I don't know what to say about Little Ms. Trina. She's such a good kid. I know that it's only been 19 months and we have a LONG way to go, but she's a super neat kid. We've been praying with her for Listening Ears, Kind Words, Loving Heart and Gentle Hands. It's kind of fun to watch her point to the various parts of her body while we're praying. It's even "funner" to see how God is answering that prayer. She's really being more of leader in class (Her teachers used that word not me) and she's being much more obedient. Please, Lord let her keep this kind of attitude.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: I really love being a daddy DATE: 2/19/2009 12:38:00 PM ----- BODY:
Trina is such a neat kid. She is developing so well, we can't do anything, but be amazed at God's grace. Thinking about who she'll be in the future is pretty amazing, because it's clear God's hand is on her. Can't wait to see who she'll be.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Why my DD1 will never get a driver's liscense DATE: 2/15/2009 04:57:00 PM ----- BODY:
Today we went to the car wash. We washed the car. G and I got out and started vac'ing and cleaning the windows. Took the keys out of the ignition. Laid both sets on the console. Trina is moving around the CRV having a good time. I shut my door. Gyimah shut her door. Trina locks the doors. So now we're outside looking silly and Trina starts exploring. Jumping up on the seats, climbing on the steering wheel, turning on the flashers, wiping the windows with a cloth, having a good old time. If it hadn't been so funny, I would have been mad. The Firefighters came. This is where it gets super silly. FF Woods is attempting to get the slim jim in the drivers side to pop the lock. Trina then decides to lean on the door so he can't get the tool through the door. So G and I stand on the other side attempting to coax her to come over to passenger side. She finally did and the FF was able to get the door open. They were so fun loving and nice. I guess they realized that we weren't stressed about it as much as we embarrassed as heck! Anyone want an 18 month old? LOL!
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: 7 years and counting DATE: 2/15/2009 12:14:00 AM ----- BODY:
Yesterday was my 7th anniversary. It was kind of bittersweet because I was informed earlier this week that a friend of mine is really struggling in their 12 year long marriage. It's funny how at times we do so much "for the kids" then we reach this breaking point where we become kids and the most selfish kids possible. That's just odd to me that we regress so quickly. Oh, well. I love my Trina. She's a great kid. She's growing so fast and with such purpose. I can't wait to see what her next years are going to be like.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: I love my little brown bear DATE: 2/10/2009 08:41:00 AM ----- BODY:
It's tough always being up beat and on top of your game. Especially when kids are really pressing you. But I declare I love Trina. She's my special little brown bear.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Happy New Year's Sunshine DATE: 1/11/2009 02:21:00 PM ----- BODY:
2009 has started off great. Trina's free of any infections and is growing into a sweet little girl.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Ear infection DATE: 12/15/2008 08:12:00 AM ----- BODY:
So we are in the midst of our first ear infection. Though is sux because DW has to be at home with DD for 2 days, it could be worse. This is the first major issue she's had in 17 months so if that's the average every 17 months we shouldn't have anything else to worry about until she's almost 3. I can dig that.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Pictures DATE: 12/05/2008 05:50:00 PM ----- BODY:
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Mini vacations DATE: 11/05/2008 01:45:00 AM ----- BODY:
Since we're working our get out of debt plan I really don't want/can't afford to go on a true vacation. So I've taken a couple days throughout the month just to relax and clear my head. Today is one of those days. I am going to hit the gym after I drop Trina off at school. Around 11 or so I am going to come home and relax. I think I am going to plug into the Bible Experience on my iPod and just chill. I might do some constructive stuff, but for the most part this is my mental health day. I am not going to think about what I have to do. It will be there when I have to do it. Right now I want to just enjoy being Jason, calm my thoughts and refocus.


----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Impatience = Bad moves DATE: 10/30/2008 07:46:00 AM ----- BODY:
I am an impatient person by nature. I like to see things moving. I hate to wait. I know that this attitude is a God issue. I am not sure what else I can do, but give it to God and just…wait. This sounds so easy, but my Lord it’s difficult! The house is starting to stress me. I feel like we’re rushing around to make sure that it’s show ready, but we’re not getting any shoppers. Everyday we hear more and more about how bad the market is in Atlanta. That doesn’t help at all. I know that my mom is doing all that she can do in light of the current situation. I just want things to move quicker. Sadly, I start to second guess my plans when things don’t pick up like I intended them to. I have been starting to think that I might need to keep the condo and a. stay in it. b. rent it out. c. lease purchase it to someone. My main plan is to never have 2 mortgages so all the other ideas don’t make sense. The biggest issue for me is this patient deal. Currently the US is in a money crunch. A lot of people who made bad decisions with money are being put through the ringer so to speak. A lot of them are making even dumber decisions now in light of the current situation. Right now I am mindful that I could make some bad decisions if I get frustrated and impatient. I promise you any patience I exhibit is God and not me. G went out of town today. So Trina and I are going to be kicking strong for the next couple of days. This will be fun. We have a packed weekend and an open house planned. Should be a lot of fun.
----- COMMENT: AUTHOR:Blogger J. Michael DATE:November 4, 2008 at 12:45 PM J, this has been the year of break down. God is breaking us down. God is teaching us to trust his timing. It is always good, and on time, and it helps us take a deep breath and relax. It also helps us to avoid rash decisions. ----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Just an update DATE: 10/24/2008 07:08:00 AM ----- BODY:
Every now and then I have to update my blog. I can't let life get going so fast that I forget to blog. I mean come on! Trina is 15 months, but her personality if that of an 8 year old. She's learning how to do things that get her in trouble; 'no", falling out and throwing fits. Someone told this story I thought was cute. He was talking with a friend about the "goodness" of man. The friend felt that man is inherently good and that this whole inherit sin thing is a bunch of garbage. Well the story teller asked him 1 question that turned the conversation quickly. "Do you have kids?" Yeah his friend replied. "Well, when did you teach them to rebel against you?" Trina's a great kid, but we have to remain vigilant about her attitude and behvior. I am sure she'll be just fine.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: I hope this doesn't mean anything. DATE: 9/20/2008 05:29:00 PM ----- BODY:
This picture isn't cute at all. I know this doesn't properly depict my little sunshine. Let's try this one. Much better
----- COMMENT: AUTHOR:Blogger Jamie {See Jamie blog} DATE:November 23, 2008 at 5:13 PM What a beautiful girl you have there! Just stopping in to say HELLO to a few other Marietta bloggers! So, HELLO!

You have a beautiful family! ----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Splendid fatherhood DATE: 8/29/2008 04:56:00 AM ----- BODY:
If everyone has .0001 a percent a positive experience raising their kids as I've had, they are really blessed. Daily, I thank God that He gave me G and Trina. They are a great team. One day I'll deserve them.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: It's been 12 months, almost DATE: 7/04/2008 04:23:00 PM ----- BODY:

The last year has moved so quickly. Everyone says it, but when you have a child time really does move fast. I am quite amazed.

Having a child also gives you a reference point for learning. When your in school you can always say, "I learned this back in 2nd grade, 8th grade, college." But when you're an adult it's hard to date your knowledge. I can now say "in kindergarten of parenting I learned that I don't know it all and I need to stop trying to".

It's been a good year. I know there will be some days that are not this fun or enjoyable. One thing I started doing well before Trina got here is staying right in the moment. I am not thinking about XYZ, because it's not here. Today I am dealing with a little tumble weed that will celebrate her 1st of many birthdays in a few days. But even that's not in the moment, huh?
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: What a time DATE: 4/19/2008 08:02:00 AM ----- BODY:
It's been a while since I've blogged. Being a daddy has been a true blessing. Trina is 9 months and a week old. She's growing and developing into an excellent kid. It's amazing that it's been 9 months. Soon it will be 9 years. After reading "Strong Fathers Strong Daughters" by Meeker I really see what areas I can develop her and help her become a great woman one day. I'm not as worried about her soon venturing out in the world as I used to. Now I am conscious that what I do and say will have the "butterfly effect" eventually. I was eating breakfast with my birthday buddy Narayan S. He has 2 beautiful girls. He made a great point to me. He mentioned that he takes his entire family on vacation 1 time a year. Though it's a hassle and takes time it's worth it. 1 week every year until the kids are 18 equals 18 weeks. That's not even 1/3 of a year worth of time. That's not a lot at all! So I need to find a way to get some vacation time in with my favorite girls.


----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Strong Fathers Strong Daughters DATE: 3/30/2008 09:33:00 PM ----- BODY:
I have been "reading" this book by Dr. Meeker. I say I've been "reading" it because truly this book has read me. I NEVER knew how much a father meant to his daughter's development as a woman. I am sure countless people will argue in some flavor that she's off base, but I have seen to many hurt, wounded, ill formed women to think otherwise. Heck there are some jacked up men around here and they have to have had some jacked up daughters. So I am working on now being very intentional with my time with Trina. We play, we have fun and all, but I want to make sure I'm giving her things that will help her later. Also making it a point to not gush over physical attributes or features, but to tell her how special she is as a person. I tell her that God loved us so much that He chose to give us a special little girl, unique and different from all the other little girls born 8 months ago, to mommy and daddy. I've been noticing the boundaries I will have to erect around her life and how I will have to help guide her to her special purpose. Parenting doesn't seem like such a chore now.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: New site DATE: 2/27/2008 01:24:00 PM ----- BODY:
I loaded some of Trina's videos on YouTube. I don't really know all the deal about YT so I just loaded 5 of them.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: New site DATE: 2/27/2008 01:24:00 PM ----- BODY:
I loaded some of Trina's videos on YouTube. I don't really know all the deal about YT so I just loaded 5 of them.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: My eyes are sweating DATE: 2/24/2008 02:07:00 PM ----- BODY:

Today I am working on school work. On the floor staring at me is the most precious 7 month old little girl. I am so thankful to God for Trina. My wife and I are truly blessed. She's been better than we deserve for sure.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: It's been 7 months DATE: 2/09/2008 05:26:00 AM ----- BODY:

I can not believe that this little girl born to us 7 months ago is now

this little girl.

----- COMMENT: AUTHOR:Blogger Susan DATE:February 10, 2008 at 6:21 AM Precious! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR:Blogger mrjwhit~ DATE:February 24, 2008 at 2:07 PM Thanks Susan. ----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Sitting up, cereal and why kids beds are so small DATE: 1/16/2008 04:40:00 AM ----- BODY:
DD started eating cereal this week. She seems to like it. It's amazing how she used to be so small to us and not she's like this big girl. Amazing. She has also perfected the talent of sitting up. It is incredible watching her sit there and talk. One day she'll sit there and have serious conversations. I can't believe it's only been 6 months. I know why baby bed makers make baby beds so small. So you can find them in the morning! Trina scoots around her sleep so much that she ends up in a corner of the crib. If the bed were much bigger I don't know where she'd be.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Trina's first trip DATE: 12/23/2007 07:45:00 AM ----- BODY:

Yesterday, DW and I took Trina on her first plane ride to Philly. Wow! We don't deserve such a sweet baby. How about she slept the entire flight. How about she was perfect even when we had to wait in the airport 2+ extra hours. The trip is going well and Trina is having a great time. Pictures will follow.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Spoiled DATE: 12/02/2007 06:44:00 PM ----- BODY:
My daughter has spoiled me through and through. She's so sweet and yet so herself that she's ruined me.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: This is becoming fun DATE: 10/05/2007 05:34:00 AM ----- BODY:
DW has whipped little bit into serious shape. She doesn't surprise us anymore. She started school this week. I have to admit that I like the idea of her going to school, BUT I'd love for DW to be able to stay at home with her. Right now that' s not going to happen, but I can dream. I can not complain. God has blessed us with a great kid and all we can do is glory in the fact that He loves us.


----- COMMENT: AUTHOR:Blogger teacherwoman DATE:November 6, 2007 at 6:17 PM Thanks for stopping by my blog! The little one is adorable. :) ----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Surprised DATE: 9/08/2007 07:33:00 PM ----- BODY:
Trina and I went out on a little excursion today. She was so great. She stuck exactly to the schedule. Such that when we picked DW up we kept the "hang out" hanging. We went all over town. DW and I were shocked at how well she behaved. Might have to do that again next week. We're really surprised at how well she takes baths. We've given into to giving her baths every couple of nights. She's so relaxed during baths you'd think she was in a spa. Can't and don't want to give her one every night, but She still doesn't know what to do when she's sleepy. It amazes me that infants when they get sleepy just won't go to sleep! We've come to expect that she'll cry, fuss and make a whole lot of noise. However, we embrace it and roll with it. Being a new father has been a blast. There's a lot to learn, but DW and I think we've come up the learning curve well so far. Each stage is going to be an adventure. DW and I feel that we're up to the challenge.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: It's getting better DATE: 8/30/2007 06:38:00 PM ----- BODY:
DW has been reading this Baby Wise book. I don't know what everyone else uses, but DD has been sleeping almost 4.5 hours a night. It's been pretty great.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Getting better DATE: 8/20/2007 02:54:00 PM ----- BODY:
I need to do some work, but I have some updates on Spark's progress. She's getting so much better. I can hardly believe it.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: The wrong team is winning DATE: 7/30/2007 01:18:00 PM ----- BODY:
Ok, something has to turn around. This 1 am wake up thing is getting old. Last night I took little Spark on 2 night rides. I certainly didn't win that one.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: What is your problem?! DATE: 7/24/2007 07:25:00 AM ----- BODY:
Today DD chose to scream from 3 am until about 7 am. She was fed, dry and safe. That didn't matter because she was set to scream unless she was picked up. She is in this new thing that she doesn't like laying on her back. She'd rather sit up and look around. The only thing is she has to be held in order to do that. DW and I don't want to get her in the habit of being held all the time. So today we met the doppleganger Trina. She's a mean one. As I stood over her crib looking at her a lot was running through my head. The main theme was the title of this blog; What is your problem?! Strange enough I thought about how I act with God. I can only imagine how I act like her, crying for no reason, rolling around and screaming for attention. Thankfully, God doesn't shake the devil out of me, because I certainly need it sometime. So I didn't pick her up, but I did talk to her. I assured her that I was here and that she didn't need to fuss and cuss. That kind of calmed her some. The lesson here is that I can't expect from Trina what God can't expect from me. OUCH! Where's my blanket?
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: 1st 24 hours are in the books DATE: 7/14/2007 09:35:00 PM ----- BODY:
Ok, I need to name Trina something different. I've been calling her Spark in honor of us being the light of the World. However I think I am going to call her The Teacher. She's taught DW and I so much in the 1st 24 hours it's amazing. Since we've been God parents for so many kids we know the mechanics of para-renting. But when it's your's and you're the one that can't sleep, because you feel someone in the bassinet looking at you. It's totally different. In my 1st 24 hours of being a legit daddy I've learned: 3 more days have passed since Spark has lit up our world. I am sure I'll learn something new soon.


----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: She's here DATE: 7/14/2007 06:41:00 AM ----- BODY:

I don't know what to say. The most incredible event in my life (next to marrying my wife and accepting Jesus Christ) happened on the supposed not best day. My daughter was born Friday the 13th at 7:09 pm.

Here's what happened.

5:02 am- DW is awake. Not feeling well. Last night we, um how shall I say it? Really worked on softening up that cervix.

7:00 am-I had to go to work. I have a couple projects to tie up before I took a week off. I planned to leave at lunch and stay home or if she felt better just return to work and finish out my day.

7:00 am- DW starts having some serious contractions, but she can manage them. She decides to just sit on the couch and wait for me to come back for lunch.

10:30 am-DW decides to get in the tub to allow the warm water to relax her and calm her.

11:42 am- DW calls me at work inquiring if I am going to be coming home now or now.

12:02 pm- I get home. She's still in the tub, but not fairing well. The contractions are not less than a minute apart, but only lasting 20-45 seconds.

* I'm a scheduler, planner, anul retentive person. I was getting flustered because I wanted to make sure that everything was taking care of for DW. Since she was calling me every 75-90 seconds to hold her hand it was hard to get prepared like I had intended. I left the birth plan on the counter!

12:03-1:00 pm- I help her count contractions while placing our bags by the door. It took me that long, because she kept calling me to come hold her hand. She suggested that we go to the Doctor's rather than having them close at 5pm.

1:30pm-I load us in the car. Since the doc's office is across the street from the hospital I thought I should bring everything just in case they want to keep us.

1:45 pm-At the doctor's office DW is examined and not only is she in labor, but she's 3-4 cm already. We headed to the hospital. Glad I put those bags in the car.

2:30 pm- We are situated in our room. We have to clear up some medical issues. The nurse wanted us to take petocin, but we were dead set on going natural. Once that was cleared up it started to go so quickly.

2:45 pm- My "sister" Elaine came to help me coach. THANK GOD FOR YOU LAINE! She helped keep my wife's mind clear and focuses. I didn't take offense to the fact that DW wasn't really listening to me. I had read that this happens. She and I should have practiced before more, but it worked out. Elaine has 4 children whom she delivered naturally so she certainly had my approval to speak to my wife and encourage her however she wanted to. We also had a fantastic nurse Danielle. She's top shelf. She knew how to help my wife when she was tensing up and making it hard for the baby to come down. She was excellent.

3:30 pm- My mom came.

2:15-6:20 pm- I don't know what contractions are like, but my DW took them so well that they looked easy. I can not begin to explain to you how well she took some serious pain. No drugs. Clear mind. Fully aware of where she was.

* Somewhere around here I get a little concerned because the baby has had a bowel movement. I don't want anything to happen to her. I'm a little worried about this NICU team that has come in to treat her as soon as she's out. I wanted to be the first one to hold Trina.

6:21 pm- Oh, I have to push! The catcher, I mean doctor conveniently strolled in right when she was really to push the baby out. He scrubbed up and put all this crazy draping over my wife. (By the way the doctor was top notch. A really great guy.)

6:25 pm- I tell Elaine, who's holding DW's other leg, that Trina will be here at 7pm. We laugh.

* Doctor numbs my wife. Then he wipes out a pair of scissors and I swear he thought he was scrap booking with my life partner. He started cutting and cutting! I wasn't happy again. I don't like seeing DW hurt and I felt I should have asked him before he started why he was going to do that. I know it helped. I just wasn't prepared for it.

6:25 - 7 pm- My daughter plays peek a boo with us not wanting to come out. Simply amazing how that happened. After the last cut everything changed.

7:09 pm- Her little, hairy head just slipped out. Then the rest followed! Wow!

I had intended to pull her out, but since she had to be suctioned out by the people with a lot of initials after their names I was fine with them giving her to me after they cleared her lungs and throat properly.

To see my wife bear down and not take any drugs was powerful. To see our little girl born was incredible. To imagine all the wonderful things Trina and I are going to do is exciting to say the least.


----- COMMENT: AUTHOR:Blogger Susan DATE:July 16, 2007 at 7:39 AM I have tears in my eyes! Thank youso much for sharing. God Bless you all! Your miracle has arrived! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR:Blogger CewTwo DATE:July 17, 2007 at 6:52 PM Yay!!! What a lucky day! I am so happy for you and your family!!! ----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Single digits DATE: 7/10/2007 05:25:00 PM ----- BODY:
We're just 4 days away from Emergence Day. I don't know what to say. It's all just amazing. G's doing so well. She's such a trooper. This weekend should be great.
----- COMMENT: AUTHOR:Blogger Susan DATE:July 11, 2007 at 8:54 AM Please post the emergence on the running blog! ----- COMMENT: AUTHOR:Blogger mrjwhit~ DATE:July 14, 2007 at 6:40 AM Will do. ----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: I CAN'T WAIT DATE: 5/19/2007 09:26:00 PM ----- BODY:
I AM NOT ONE TO ABUSE THE USE OF CAPS, BUT I'M SO EXCITED. WE HAVE JUST A LITTLE OVER 7 MONTHS UNTIL EMERGENCE DAY. We can see Trina moving now and it's a trip. I swear she responds to us talking to her. That is amazing to say the least. I can wait, but I can't wait to see/meet little mist Spark.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: And what will we call her? DATE: 4/26/2007 06:32:00 PM ----- BODY:
I am notorious for making up my own nicknames for people. I've always made up names that make sense in my own mind. Here are some of them: LT, Skinny, Patty, Nettie, Superman, The Roaming Prophet, Diddy, Bishop, Bug and Sweet Raisin. Oddly enough people just embrace my names. Many of them have become their main nickname. I don't know why they let me I guess they know there's something just not right about me. So now I'm at the point thinking about my baby. This is the funny thing. I go by JWhit~ and my wife goes by GWhit-. So since my daughter's name will be Trina should I call her TWhit`*? Hahahaha she'll be a little TWhit from the start. There is the possibility of TriWhit` pronounced Tree'Whit or WhitT`(that would be the first to have her first initial at the end of her "Jason sponsored" nickname. I don't know what to do. Currently I've been calling her Little Spark. But she'll certainly want her own Whit name. Don't forget that if we have a boy next his name would be Terrance. So how in the world will I separate the two Whit's? Ok, enough of this malarky. On to some serious topics. *(Don't ask about the symbols after each name. They have no meaning)
----- COMMENT: AUTHOR:Blogger Susan DATE:April 27, 2007 at 8:14 AM HA! I love it!

Good luck!!!! Keep on "cooking" that little girl! ----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Less than 3 months DATE: 4/13/2007 06:11:00 AM ----- BODY:
I can not believe that it's less than 3 months until the baby is here. This is still very amazing and kind of mentally overwhelming to me. I feel prepared and ready. But then again I feel like, wow this is a lot. This week I cleared the bedroom for Trina. I so deeply would like to move before she gets here. I know how much my wife has done over the last 6 months. She's been a SOLDIER working, traveling, serving and caring for herself and the baby. I'd just love to have a "new" house for us to welcome our baby into. But since long term good things are not always good for you in the short term I think we'll be ok. Since we'll be here in the condo for at least another 6 months,we know what to expect. We know how much the note is and the association fee. Might as well grind and save as much $$ over this 6 months as possible. It's ok to dream and to want to move. I just need to keep my head about me and not get down. Our long term goal is to be financially sound and be a blessing to our kids.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: 7 Fears of New Dads DATE: 4/03/2007 10:17:00 AM ----- BODY:
I thought this article was insightful and wanted to post it. I agree with most of it. Wonder how I'll do when the baby actually gets here! From the moment you learn of your partner's pregnancy, you're thrust into a strange new world and encouraged to participate in the pregnancy and birth process. Yet, you may feel awkward about sharing your fears and insecurities. That's only natural. Here are seven common fears faced by fathers-to-be: Security fears The biggest fear men face is the one most deeply hardwired into our culture: Will I be able to protect and provide for my family? In most families when the first child arrives, there's this sudden if temporary shift from two incomes for two people to one income for three. And that's a tough burden to carry in today's world. The father has to be strong in ways he hadn't counted on before. He has to provide support not just financially but also emotionally: His wife will need his help, she'll be undergoing dramatic emotional shifts, and he has to be ready for her to lean on him. Performance fears More than 80 percent of the fathers I come across in my practice say they were worried they wouldn't be able to perform when their wife was in labor. They were afraid of passing out, throwing up, or getting queasy in the presence of all those bodily fluids. Such fears may be based on cartoons and sitcoms and our culture's way of making fun of men, but two things became clear: The men all expected it — and it almost never happens. In follow-up interviews, it turned out only one out of 600 men fainted, and that was in August in Fresno (California), and the air conditioning had gone out and two of the nurses had to leave the room, too. If you really can't tolerate blood, step out of the delivery room. Don't ignore your fears — work through them, talk to other fathers who've been there. Typically, the first thing fathers say when they come out of the delivery room is "The baby and my wife are fine; it's a girl." And the second thing they say is "I didn't get queasy — I came through it okay." Paternity fears About half the new and expectant dads I interviewed eventually came around to admitting they had fleeting thoughts that they weren't really the baby's father. But if you ask them whether they suspect that their wife had an affair, they're insulted and hurt. On a logical level, it's a disconnect, but on an emotional level something else is going on. He's dwelling on his own inadequacies: "It's too monumental, too godlike, being part of the creation of life. Someone bigger than me must have done it." One of the fathers I encountered was this interesting guy with bright red hair, freckles, and a crooked smile. His baby had bright red hair, freckles, and a crooked smile. And he said with a straight face, "I wonder if my wife was unfaithful." But he went on: "It just seemed — I don't know — this was too good, too miraculous to happen to me." Mortality fears When you're a part of the beginning of a life, you can't avoid thinking about the end of life. Thoughts about your own mortality can loom large: You're not the youngest generation anymore, your replacement has arrived, and if everything works out right, you'll die before your child dies. For a lot of young men who go around thinking they're immortal or invincible, that's a big change. One of my clients was a world-class racecar driver, and he gave it up. He told me, "I don't have the right to die anymore." Fear for your spouse's or child's health Childbirth is such a nerve-racking experience. Scary things can happen to the person you love most in the whole world. You might lose the baby; you might lose your wife and have to bring the baby up alone. It really wasn't long ago that giving birth was fraught with danger: When my grandparents had children in the early 1920s, the main cause of death in women under 50 was childbirth. Today, if the birth goes well and the baby's fine, you'll still find most parents secretly counting the newborn's fingers and toes. Relationship fears Men often fear that their wife will love the baby more than anyone on earth — and exclude them from that intimate relationship. It's a very real fear of being replaced. In so many households, after the birth Mom becomes the gatekeeper, giving her husband access to the baby only when she sees fit. I remember being at a Fourth of July fireworks show where a mother was carrying a newborn and the dad went over to give the baby a kiss and she slapped his hand and said, "You'll wake him." The dad just crumpled and walked away. What he should have said then was, "I'd like to hold him now, and if he wakes up I'll take care of it." He needs to make it clear that this is his child, too, and they're partners in raising him. He needs to spend time alone with his baby and kick Mom out of the house some days. Otherwise, I can see him spending all his time on the golf course because there's no place for him in the house. Each parent brings different strengths to the partnership. The child usually relies on the mother for security, comfort, and warmth. The child looks to the father for his sense of freedom and separation and sense of the world. Of course, those qualities can come from either parent, but when all these strengths work hand in hand, it's fabulous. Fears of "women's medicine" Men are not used to the ob-gyn establishment. It's foreign, it's cold, it's something we don't understand well. Even as observers, many men feel embarrassed and inhibited around stirrups and gynecological exams. Hospital examining rooms and delivery rooms are not made comfortable for a father. Men are usually fairly ignorant about a woman's reproductive system — it's what happens "down there." And so when men encounter all this for the first time, they get clobbered with it. Being prepared — making decisions together about the kind of care you want for your partner and baby — helps tremendously. Having a birth plan, with a set role for you, also helps to make clear what's ahead in the process. See Shapiro's advice on How to help a dad worry less.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: 12 more weeks DATE: 3/29/2007 06:19:00 PM ----- BODY:
It is amazing that we only have 3 more months until Trina gets here. This all keeps just overwhelming me. If I put my hands on G's belly I can feel the light kicking she's been feeling. It is pretty incredible. Had a good job interview today. Hopefully that will pan out. I am going to keep looking though until the training class starts in 30 days.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Hey you in there! DATE: 3/22/2007 04:46:00 AM ----- BODY:
This has been an emotional week for me. I am running in my first 1/2 marathon Sunday, My wife is going out of town for 4 days, my search for a new career has been so-so to say the least, then there's that little person growing in my wife. I really am excited about the baby. I wonder what she'll look like. What will her hair smell like? What will her hands feel like? This is all so new and amazing. I do wonder what took us so long to have kids. G is able to feel her moving around. I can feel/poke around her abdomon and can feel Trina. I guess soon she'll start poking back. That's going to be wild.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Revelation DATE: 3/12/2007 05:00:00 AM ----- BODY:
I have been praying and asking God to help me and DW to realize that this baby isn't ours. He's given her to us and we're just parents of someone He wanted to bring into the world at this time for a reason. With that being said we have to be good stewards just like we are of everything else He gives and provides. Much to my surprise I am very "under whelmed" by the whole thing. I know that a lot is going to be expected of me, but hey if He doesn't provide I guess I/we don't have to have it. I am busting my hump to be in as good of shape as I can be when she comes, but the final word is His. This whole thing is in His hands. We're both excited to see her though. I keep wondering what she'll look like and who she'll act like. That is going to be so much fun. We play a game at night. G lays on her back and I lightly press her stomach to find where Trina is. It seems like at certain times of the day she's in the same spot. G feels that she goes to sleep at night when we go to sleep. So she gets down real low and curls up. Sounds good to me.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: The verdict is in and the baby is... DATE: 2/26/2007 06:19:00 PM ----- BODY:
a beautiful girl. That's right Trina Payton beat out Terrance Asher for the first Whitaker baby award. We'll have to wait for about a year for an acceptance speech, but hey you know how it is.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Laying low DATE: 2/22/2007 10:09:00 AM ----- BODY:
I've been laying low lately. I am just letting this whole thing sink in and grow on me. I am about to be a daddy. This is such a powerful realization. I am excited to finally meet this person. I told G that I wanted to do as much to work with the doctor. I am praying against her needing a C section. However, if she does I want to do it. (I have a cousin who did his wife's C section) No matter what I am going do talk to the doctor and see how much he'll let me do. So I am psyched about meeting this person. Maybe I'll shake their hand and say hello. Maybe I'll fall on the ground crying, weeping. Maybe I'll jump up and shout. I don't know what I'll do, but I am sure it will be heart felt and joyous, because I am a daddy.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: 21 days away DATE: 2/06/2007 11:54:00 AM ----- BODY:
G rolled over and announced to me that in 3 weeks we'd know who it is that we've been talking to all these months. I told her that in 5 months they'd know who we are. My devotions over the last couple days has dealt with Dt. 6:1-8 and how we should teach children God's commands. What I got from that is that if His laws are in my life the little ones will pick them up. However, if I attempt to get them to do what I am not doing it will not stick. Over the next 5 months I am going to make it my point to develop myself in God's word so I can be the better model for my little one.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Ingesting DATE: 1/24/2007 05:40:00 AM ----- BODY:
Lately, I've been thinking deeply about the fact that I am a father. I've talked about this before, but it's really sinking in. I've been praying just that I can be all that I was intended to be as a dad and husband. I've seen so many people just lose themselves in their kids to the point that they don't even resemble themselves anymore. This is really a great time. I am learning more and more about myself and about the changes my wife is going through.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: This fast and daddyhood DATE: 1/18/2007 01:38:00 PM ----- BODY:
This is day 18 of my 40 day fast. I honestly feel lighter. I've been soaking in God's word and I know that something powerful is going to happen to use in 2007. Today , I want to rant. I am saddened in my heart. I have a couple friends that are about my age. I've seen these guys grow up and mature over time. Sadly they got set back in an area and they started making their own choices and not waiting on wise counsel. I saw a these guys yesterday and I knew it. They're floundering. They're grasping at straws looking for something to plug these holes in their lives and stop the leaking. One has ventured into porn another has resorted to becoming a domesticated lap animal for his wife. Another is filing bankruptcy. I am not mad at them at all and I do not cast judgments on their decisions. I know that I would not have chosen these paths for them. I know them their hearts are better than what they've become. My observation is that as we live and as we go on in life we have to crank up the intensity of our relationships with God and others. As much as I like to do things on my own... I can't I am smart, but not that smart. God has to be smarter than me so if I do anything without His advice I can't expect good things. Plus I have a great wife. I know that her heart is for me to succeed in everything. That's the kind of gift my Daddy gives. So I would be equally stupid if I didn't seek her input in my ventures. She's there to help not to beat me down. I've made HUGE mistakes in the past. Since I've made it my practice to seek my wife's input before stepping into things I've really seen a decrease in that. We're 15 weeks pregnant this weekend. We're both just as psyched as can be. I was praying with my wife and talking to her tummy this AM. I can't wait to meet this new little person and see who it is that God has blessed the world with.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Welcome back DATE: 1/15/2007 06:42:00 PM ----- BODY:
My wife went to Philly this weekend. She just got back. I really missed her. We talked through out her trip, but it's good to see her.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: On the upward swing DATE: 1/11/2007 04:28:00 PM ----- BODY:
I've been kind of down lately. I don't feel like I am contributing as much to this pregnancy as I'd like to be. I've certainly been praying for my wife and the baby. Sometimes that gets kind of old and I feel like I should be doing more. Well today I was cooking and it hit me. Right now my wife is doing a lot more lifting so to speak of the house hold and I am in a support role. I don't like it, but this is where I am right now. The cool thing about it is that this is where God has me right now. Soon this will change, but for now this is the way it is. I truly pray that I am as good a father as some of the examples I see around me. I have been blessed with some World Class Dads. It's an honor to be considered to join such awesome ranks. I'm feeling better already.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: I'm tired DATE: 1/08/2007 01:18:00 PM ----- BODY:
Over the last couple of weeks I've had Dream Fest. What this is is simple. From the time I put my tired head on the pillow until the time I get up in the morning I have 1,000 dreams. These aren't your classic chasing bunnies down rabbit hole dreams. No these are the crazy, full throttle dreams that leave me more tired than I was when I laid down. This is getting crazy. My friends all say I am stressed about the baby, but I don't feel that way. I actually am fine and feel quite positive about this time in my life. I know that things will change when the baby comes, but not to the point that racing down highways eating nachos while jumping in and our of planes makes any sense at all!
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: I saw the baby DATE: 1/04/2007 06:23:00 PM ----- BODY:
Tuesday G and I went to our doctor's appointment. These things are quick! They weighed her and then did an ultrasound and put us back on our way. The awesome thing was the baby was moving around while we watched. It looks like a baby now. Not just that blob of faith that we saw before, but this time you could see it's head, legs, arms all that. That was incredible. In a couple of weeks we'll be able to know what we're having. That is going to be so incredible.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: 1st one down DATE: 12/29/2006 06:47:00 PM ----- BODY:
Today we celebrate the passing of our dear friend 1st trimester. He was a good friend, keeping my wife up, making her sleep like a log for days on end, and causing her to eat smaller meals then Mary Kate Olsen. Well today we look forward to a new friend 2nd trimester. Not sure what to fully expect over the next 3 months, but it sure will be eventful.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: 363 days and counting DATE: 12/27/2006 06:29:00 AM ----- BODY:
Until my child's 1st Christmas. Wow, next year is going to be so different. I can't believe we'll have a child next year under the tree. Maybe we'll set up the house early and take pics to we can use them are Christmas cards. This whole thing is so incredible. God really knew what He was doing when He gave us kids. Our house prep has kind of stalled out. I am reviewing several different new plans right now. I fear we may have been going in the wrong direction before. Got to stay prayed up.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Daddy-to-be blues DATE: 12/23/2006 11:58:00 AM ----- BODY:
I am not feeling really well. I'm not sure why, but mentally I am out of it and I don't feel great. The baby is so exciting and I am looking forward to meeting him or her. However, now I am just out of it. The house, work and positioning to buy a new house is dragging me down. I know it's stressing my wife and that's not what I want. I'm not sure what I should do to turn this around. Mentally I feel like there is something just not clicking with me right now. I kind of feel depressed and out of it. Well, I'm going to get back in the game. Thanks for listening.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Starting to get rough DATE: 12/21/2006 07:48:00 PM ----- BODY:
Even though it sounds great, guys be careful when you tell your expecting wife to wake you up whenever she can't sleep. My wife took me up on that are 4 am this AM. She was having some pain and I ended up calling the doctor to ask some questions. That was a tough one, cause I really was sleeping hard. I feel good now. I know that where we are is where God has us. We can take our time and really enjoy this season or rush and miss it totally. I choose to just enjoy every day and wait patiently for what God has in store for us. This fast in January will really be great. I know it will set the pace for 2007.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: That talk , the house and we're parents! DATE: 12/16/2006 08:54:00 PM ----- BODY:
G and I had a small conversation today about "what if the baby isn't...". It was tough, because you want to have a wonderfully healthy child and by all reports we are. I just wanted to talk to her about how we'd feel if God said otherwise. It's certainly a conversation you'd have over several different days. Besides that we are 10 weeks today and feeling great. We went to look at houses today. We already know the one we want to buy. We just would feel more comfortable selling this current one before we move into a new one. So I'm working on that as we speak. Making sure all our ducks are in a row so we can move very easily when the time comes. I'm super excited. This is such a wonderful time. We joke about the fact that WE'RE parents. That is so amazing to both of us. I'm so amazed what God can do. Every week we get updates from various websites about the development of the baby. It's incredible to think that so much has gone on in just 10 weeks. That's not a super long time and the next won't be either. But soon we'll have a baby. That's amazing.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: It's starting to sink in DATE: 12/10/2006 03:13:00 PM ----- BODY:
The "Ooo and Aah" of being pregnant is starting to wear off. What I mean is I am really starting to digest the responsibility God has placed on my wife and I. We might be carrying the one who will usher in the return of Christ. Our baby might be the next President, Statesman or woman, Inventor. Who knows? I just can't wait to meet Little T.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Narrowing it down DATE: 12/08/2006 07:01:00 PM ----- BODY:
I spent the day getting our house ready for sale. That really took my mind off...EVERYTHING else!
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Running and New Fatherhood do not mix DATE: 12/07/2006 09:48:00 AM ----- BODY:
Ok, you know I like running. You also know that when you run you have a lot of time to think. So Since I am a new daddy all I can think about is what I need to be doing. It is overwhelming to say the least. Being the self proclaimed Home Economist I really start off with what can I do to keep our budget in tact and provide the most for our family. Then I start thinking about "stuff". Beds, diapers, college, all that stuff that comes along with having a kid. I gently move from there to support. What can I do to make my wife's life easier? Do I need to call her girlfriends together to get the shower ideas rolling? Hey, wait we haven't registered for anything yet. Then I go back to stuff and budgets. I finish my run more mentally tired than physically. One thing I feel I do well is praying for my wife and the baby. Everyday I make it point to pray for her and over the baby. That I feel I do well. Now all the other stuff, I guess is up to God.


----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: 170 bpm and going strong DATE: 12/06/2006 01:43:00 PM ----- BODY:

DW and I heard our precious baby's heart beat today, 170 bpm. Never the less it's all pretty amazing. I can/can't believe it. Needless to say that cat's out the bag. Prepare for serious Jason Whitaker Fatherhoodfoolishness.


----- COMMENT: AUTHOR:Blogger Lorie DATE:December 6, 2006 at 4:29 PM Congratulations!!! :) You will make wonderful parents. :)

~Lorie (from MTMMO) ----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Got it?! DATE: 12/05/2006 03:34:00 PM ----- BODY:

This is my beautiful wife, G.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Can't load pics DATE: 12/05/2006 03:33:00 PM ----- BODY:
I haven't been successful in finding out how to load "belly pics". Guess I'll just have to do it later. If anyone knows how to please hook me up.
----- -------- AUTHOR: mrjwhit~ TITLE: Tomorrow's the day DATE: 12/05/2006 08:40:00 AM ----- BODY:
Tomorrow G and I will hear the baby's heart beat. I don't know about you, but I am so excited I am about to pop. I think we're just going to spill the beans to everyone now. Waiting seemed good, but it's just getting to hard to not shout it from the roof tops.
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